Days ahead of Delhi assembly polls, the BJP’s Delhi chief ministerial candidate Kiran Bedi’s election campaign assistant Narendra Tandon on Monday quit from the party accusing her of adopting “dictatorial attitude”.
Tandon, a former secretary of the Bharatiya Janata Party’s city unit and a permanent invitee to th Delhi BJP’s executive committee, tendered his resignation saying it was difficult for him to continue working with Bedi.
“I resigned from BJP today because of Bedi’s dictatorial attitude,” said Tandon, who was part of Bedi’s campaign team after she was named the chief ministerial candidate by the BJP for the February 7 assembly election.
“It was difficult for me to continue under her,” he added.
Asked about Tandon’s resignation, Bedi refused to comment.
The BJP, however, denied that Tandon was ever in-charge of Bedi’s election campaign. It said his quitting will not affect the party and its election preparations in any way as he was a “low-level” functionary and his performance was “not impressive”.
Praveen Shankar Kapoor, spokesperson of the BJP’s Delhi unit, claimed he had “created trouble” in the past too.
“His past record is not very impressive. He has created trouble for the party in the past as well. He had filed nomination against party candidate Rajni Abbi in the 2013 assembly polls in Timarpur constituency,” said Kapoor.
Tandon was general secretary of Delhi University’s students union in late 1990s during his stint with BJP’s ABVP. He rose through the party ranks and later became secretary of Delhi BJP when OP Kohli was made the city unit chief. ?
Bedi’s induction into the party and her anointment as the BJP’s CM nominee had created deep dissent within the state unit of the party with protests erupting in the Capital.
Elections to 70-member Delhi assembly will be held on February 7 and results would be announced on February 10.